月曜日, 6月 10, 2024


夕飯は、家族で取れていますかと SS将校のステイタスなジョーク。
いま 始発に乗った。
朝こそが 私たちを整えさせる。
Early morning.
Leaving a manga cafe in Tokyo, I feel like this city of buildings could easily be overturned if someone dared to stab us in the back.
A group of giant towers stacked up through deception and sleepless nights.
Who does it belong to?
They count who it belongs to. They run around the Imperial Palace.
They release carbon dioxide.
The morning ends as notice. At lunch, there's a cruel lunch meeting.
At lunch, there's an SS officer's status joke, asking if you with the family has had dinner.
It's a male-dominated society that continues to exist.
I remember Tokyo.
I've just caught the first train.
It's the morning only that lets us get organized.
Letting ourselves have a child face.

土曜日, 6月 08, 2024


ここ数日で『関心領域』2024年『シンドラーのリスト』1993年 と、連続で見ているため、理不尽に圧っせられる人々の状況を見ると、取り巻きのスーツが SS隊の軍服に見えてくる。





Harrasment-圧政 は蔓延する。ism で力を得、それは Virus。 

Over the past few days I've watched "The Zone of Interest" (2024) and "Schindler's List" (1993) back to back, and when I see the people being unreasonably oppressed, the suits around them start to look like SS uniforms.
A mysterious scale can be heard from outside the room.
It sounds grotesque, as if to say it's beautiful.
Anxiety envelops us.
Ash burns our throats.
Harrasment - oppression is rampant. It gains power from ism, and it is a virus.

金曜日, 6月 07, 2024


寝起きに NHK教育を見ていたら、大正デモクラシーの中での言葉がすごい。


現在「時には逆さまの話を」と Instagram投稿をしているので 逆さま。


I was watching NHK Educational TV after waking up, and the words in Taisho Democracy were incredible.

I took a picture of it on the spot.

I'm currently posting on Instagram with the caption "Sometimes we tell stories upside down," so it's upside down.

To read these words, we turn the world upside down. 


木曜日, 6月 06, 2024


昨晩 フジテレビでやっていた『ダイエット島』というバラエティー番組、批判したいところは満載で、既に SNSで 散見し頷く。私が一番 気になったのは「9名全員で100kg減量できたらクリア」という「連帯責任」であるところ。これは 90年代の、集団より個人を重視する価値観のなかでは 絶対にウケない。いま、テレビを見る層がウットリするのは「絆」なのだった。

お遊戯の見世物だと 芸をつくることもできない。

無人カメラに囲まれ、ズタズタに編集された 軟禁生活で泣く冷めた感動。


そして「絆」は 手綱で止められた牛のごとく、減量できなかった奴を ブラックLINEで虐め、丸坊主にしてくる奴の美談に酔う。

水曜日, 6月 05, 2024


The structure is such that "Soudou Respect" (2024) itself will become a commotion. It is similar to how "After Freedom of Expression" (2009) itself became a restriction. Though the scale is different, the structure is similar. In order to not acknowledge the complaints of those who have been unjustly oppressed, they are using force to suppress the opportunity for people to think about and speak about it.

『ソウドウリスペクト』2024年 自体が騒動になるという構造。『表現の不自由展 その後』2009年 自体が 不自由になったのと類似している。規模は違えど、構造は似ている。理不尽に虐げられた者の訴えを、認めさせないために、人々が それについて考え、語る機会をも 力でねじ伏せている。

What's different from "After the Freedom of Expression Exhibition" in 2019 is that the exhibition was not forced to be canceled. However, the attitude of refusing to be interviewed itself significantly restricts freedom of expression. The criticism that it is only for the purpose of buzz is outdated.

The exhibition had a sincere attitude.

『表現の不自由展 その後』2019年 と違うのは、展示を中止に追い込まれなかったこと。しかし取材拒否という姿勢自体が、表現の自由を著しく制限している。バズリ目的でしかないという批判は時代遅れ。



火曜日, 6月 04, 2024


I watched the movie "Zone of Interest" in 2023. It is a truly difficult movie in from mean. The breadth of the visual approach makes the meaning richly questioned. The karma of people, families, and humanity, of neuroses that transcend guilt, of people who want to vomit but can't. They are identified. They emanate from a place of identification, regardless of the scale.

映画『関心領域』2023年 鑑賞。実にしんどい映画なのは、その 意味において。映像のアプローチの幅が 豊かに意味を問う。後ろめたさを超越した神経症の、吐きたくても吐けない人々の、家族の、人類の業。それらは同一化する。規模の大小を問わず同一化したところから発せられる。 

月曜日, 6月 03, 2024


 Morning TV drama "Wings on a Tiger". 6/5 (Wed). A conservative men with an authoritative white beard is admonishing the main characters that the Japanese family will fall apart. The young men around him go along with it to lighten the mood. He gets them to agree with the fact that ordinary people are not knowledgeable about the law, right? He then presses them on, saying that if the civil code is changed, it will only lead to more confusion and suffering in the postwar chaos, so the good old Japanese family should not be changed. He then holds up a plausible ideal, saying that instead of democratizing everything to suit the Western culture, surely there is a way to democratize to suit the Japanese culture? He then takes control of the situation by raising a plausible ideal. This is the logic! I shouts in front of the screen.

When the main character, Torako, can't say what she wants to say, she makes a "すん" sound and says "はて?", but here she holds back. Because she thinks of a family that has been dragged through the war. (That's true for Torako herself, and for everyone.) Ideals and reality, innovation and conservatism, right and left. It's been that way in every era.  It is a hasty and simplistic comment to say that both wheels are necessary.

What kind of society will our children be living in a hundred years from now?

朝ドラ『虎に翼』。6/5(水)。保守の 権威的な白髭をたくわえた先生が 日本の家が壊れると主人公たちを諭すところ。周囲の若い男性たちは それに合わせて場をなごませていく。一般の人々は法に明るくないよね?と事実を同意させ、だから 民法まで変えたら戦後のドサクサではより混乱させて苦しめてしまうから、古き良き日本の家族のあり方を変えてはいけないとたたみかける。そして、なんでもかんでも西洋に合わせた民主化ではなく、日本の風土に合わせた民主化というものがあるのではないか?と、尤もらしい理想を掲げて 場を持っていく。この論法!と画面の前で騒ぐ。


百年先、どんな社会に 私たちの子供は生きているか。


日曜日, 6月 02, 2024


 岡崎市美術博物館での企画展『ひらいて、むすんで』で、真坂亮平氏 真坂 亮平 の作品を見た、イヤリングと、息と、猫の尻尾と?バッジのワークショップをやっていた部屋にあった展示ケースの中に羽毛みたいなのが散ってたやつかな。しまった。子供は床に這って探していた。大人たちは談笑ばかりして先へ急ぐばかりだった。

(いま、私の Instagram 投稿は「ときには逆の話を」を唱えていて、写真は全て上下逆にしている。スマホで見ているなら向きを変えても良いと思う。)

He wrote "We found her earlings" in his home work. This is Mr, Ryohei Masaka's art work in 2024. 



 元大阪市長の 橋下氏の 論点の持っていき方は「印象をつくるだけ」で、聴いている方は「あーなるほどなぁ、すごいなぁ」と頷かせる手法。

「都政と国政は違うのに、蓮舫さんはいかんなぁ」と、検証も無く なんとなく批判する空気に誘導する。



ずるくないと こうなってないか。




すぐに国政選挙は無いから、自民の裏金問題に対して 直接 ジャッジをくだす前に、いま 近いところで反自民の勢力を強めたい。


橋下氏は そんなことじゅうも承知だと思うから、眞鍋さんを養護する。

Former Osaka Mayor Hashimoto's method of bringing up arguments is "just to create an impression," making the listeners nod along and say "Ah, I see, that's amazing."
"Metropolitan politics and national politics are different, but Renho is no good," creates an atmosphere of criticism without any verification.
Renho also mentioned metropolitan politics itself...
Hashimoto is tricky...
If he wasn't tricky, wouldn't this happen?
I think the big problem is that he continues to promote this person and treat him as a cool and intellectual TV host...
National politics and metropolitan politics are different, but because they are done by similar people and political parties, the same atmosphere flows.
That's how the wind changes and the situation changes.
There are no national elections anytime soon, so I want to strengthen anti-LDP forces in the local area now, before passing direct judgment on the LDP's slush fund problem.
Everyone will forget soon.
Mr. Hashimoto believes he is well aware of all this, which is why he will protect Manabe.