水曜日, 6月 05, 2024


The structure is such that "Soudou Respect" (2024) itself will become a commotion. It is similar to how "After Freedom of Expression" (2009) itself became a restriction. Though the scale is different, the structure is similar. In order to not acknowledge the complaints of those who have been unjustly oppressed, they are using force to suppress the opportunity for people to think about and speak about it.

『ソウドウリスペクト』2024年 自体が騒動になるという構造。『表現の不自由展 その後』2009年 自体が 不自由になったのと類似している。規模は違えど、構造は似ている。理不尽に虐げられた者の訴えを、認めさせないために、人々が それについて考え、語る機会をも 力でねじ伏せている。

What's different from "After the Freedom of Expression Exhibition" in 2019 is that the exhibition was not forced to be canceled. However, the attitude of refusing to be interviewed itself significantly restricts freedom of expression. The criticism that it is only for the purpose of buzz is outdated.

The exhibition had a sincere attitude.

『表現の不自由展 その後』2019年 と違うのは、展示を中止に追い込まれなかったこと。しかし取材拒否という姿勢自体が、表現の自由を著しく制限している。バズリ目的でしかないという批判は時代遅れ。

