月曜日, 6月 03, 2024


 Morning TV drama "Wings on a Tiger". 6/5 (Wed). A conservative men with an authoritative white beard is admonishing the main characters that the Japanese family will fall apart. The young men around him go along with it to lighten the mood. He gets them to agree with the fact that ordinary people are not knowledgeable about the law, right? He then presses them on, saying that if the civil code is changed, it will only lead to more confusion and suffering in the postwar chaos, so the good old Japanese family should not be changed. He then holds up a plausible ideal, saying that instead of democratizing everything to suit the Western culture, surely there is a way to democratize to suit the Japanese culture? He then takes control of the situation by raising a plausible ideal. This is the logic! I shouts in front of the screen.

When the main character, Torako, can't say what she wants to say, she makes a "すん" sound and says "はて?", but here she holds back. Because she thinks of a family that has been dragged through the war. (That's true for Torako herself, and for everyone.) Ideals and reality, innovation and conservatism, right and left. It's been that way in every era.  It is a hasty and simplistic comment to say that both wheels are necessary.

What kind of society will our children be living in a hundred years from now?

朝ドラ『虎に翼』。6/5(水)。保守の 権威的な白髭をたくわえた先生が 日本の家が壊れると主人公たちを諭すところ。周囲の若い男性たちは それに合わせて場をなごませていく。一般の人々は法に明るくないよね?と事実を同意させ、だから 民法まで変えたら戦後のドサクサではより混乱させて苦しめてしまうから、古き良き日本の家族のあり方を変えてはいけないとたたみかける。そして、なんでもかんでも西洋に合わせた民主化ではなく、日本の風土に合わせた民主化というものがあるのではないか?と、尤もらしい理想を掲げて 場を持っていく。この論法!と画面の前で騒ぐ。


百年先、どんな社会に 私たちの子供は生きているか。
