日曜日, 6月 02, 2024


 元大阪市長の 橋下氏の 論点の持っていき方は「印象をつくるだけ」で、聴いている方は「あーなるほどなぁ、すごいなぁ」と頷かせる手法。

「都政と国政は違うのに、蓮舫さんはいかんなぁ」と、検証も無く なんとなく批判する空気に誘導する。



ずるくないと こうなってないか。




すぐに国政選挙は無いから、自民の裏金問題に対して 直接 ジャッジをくだす前に、いま 近いところで反自民の勢力を強めたい。


橋下氏は そんなことじゅうも承知だと思うから、眞鍋さんを養護する。

Former Osaka Mayor Hashimoto's method of bringing up arguments is "just to create an impression," making the listeners nod along and say "Ah, I see, that's amazing."
"Metropolitan politics and national politics are different, but Renho is no good," creates an atmosphere of criticism without any verification.
Renho also mentioned metropolitan politics itself...
Hashimoto is tricky...
If he wasn't tricky, wouldn't this happen?
I think the big problem is that he continues to promote this person and treat him as a cool and intellectual TV host...
National politics and metropolitan politics are different, but because they are done by similar people and political parties, the same atmosphere flows.
That's how the wind changes and the situation changes.
There are no national elections anytime soon, so I want to strengthen anti-LDP forces in the local area now, before passing direct judgment on the LDP's slush fund problem.
Everyone will forget soon.
Mr. Hashimoto believes he is well aware of all this, which is why he will protect Manabe.